Connect a Console for Local Administrative Access

Connect a Console for Local Administrative Access

To configure the Cisco AS5300 from a locally-connected PC or terminal, you will need an RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and a terminal adapter (RJ-45-to-DB-9 or RJ-45-to-DB-25). The cable and adapter are included.

Step 1 Connect one of the adapters, labeled TERMINAL, to the communications port (usually labeled COM) on your PC or terminal. (This communications port is also known as a console port.)

Step 2 Connect one end of the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable to the adapter.

Step 3 Connect the other end of the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable to the port labeled CONSOLE on the rear panel of the Cisco AS5300.

Step 4 Configure your PC terminal emulation software or terminal for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.


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